HepcoMotion was pleased to welcome members of the Tiverton & District Model Engineering Society Ltd to its Tiverton headquarters to give them a factory tour and company overview. As engineering enthusiasts, the opportunity to visit a world-leading manufacturer of linear motion systems, was most welcomed by the Tiverton & District Model Engineering Society Ltd.
The club provides model engineers in central and north Devon with a society where they can discuss engineering matters, share experiences, and run traction engines, steam locomotives or other models. With a keen interest in how things are made and the processes involved, the group was given a dedicated tour of the factory – including Hepco’s apprentice training area, CNC milling cell, ring cell production, grinding shop and assembly area. The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines were particularly well received by the group. Indeed many of the group have smaller, old-fashioned versions of the industrial lathes seen in Hepco’s factory.
John Massey, Secretary of the Tiverton & District Model Engineering Society Ltd says “We were all impressed by the quality of engineering work right on our doorstep.”
It was a great opportunity for them to see a wide array of products, such as actuators, track systems, and guide systems. For more than 45 years HepcoMotion has been a leading innovator in the field of linear motion.
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Lower Moor Business Park
Tiverton Way
Devon, EX16 6TG
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