Three talented apprentices from HepcoMotion in Tiverton have been shortlisted for a prestigious regional apprentice award at this year’s EEF Future Manufacturing Awards.
Thomas West, Matthew Dower and Craig Capel were selected along with 18 other apprentices from across the South West after impressing judges with their hard work, dedication and determination to pursue a career in manufacturing.
The apprentices will find out who has been crowned regional winner at a ceremony taking place at At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Bristol on 9 November 2016. If successful, they will then go on to compete with other regional winners from across the UK for a national title. This will be announced at an awards gala dinner in London early next year.
Craig Capel, apprentice at HepcoMotion, says: “It’s a great feeling to be recognised for doing something that I genuinely enjoy and that is setting me up for life.”
Matthew Dower, apprentice at HepcoMotion, says: “I am still in the early stages of my career, but my apprenticeship has opened up doors and I can see a clear path to working in a sector that I enjoy and where I feel my achievements are valued. I hope that other young people can see this and are inspired to take up an apprenticeship in manufacturing too.”
The shortlisting award follows Hepco’s latest recruitment of apprentices reaching a record high. Hepco is committed to the development of young, enthusiastic engineers who have the desire to progress up the career ladder and the addition of eleven new apprentices this year reinforces this. Offering a well-renowned apprenticeship scheme, Hepco has a strong history working with apprentices as many of the managers and even the chairman himself, started work at HepcoMotion as apprentices. Indeed, nearly 50% of Hepco’s engineering production staff are either apprentices or former apprentices.
Seven of the new intake are assigned to the company’s flagship production site in Tiverton – five to work as engineering apprentices, while for the first time, the remaining two Tiverton apprentices have been recruited to work in Hepco’s marketing and sales department. Three are based at Braintree Precision Components, the HepcoMotion Group responsible for the manufacture of the core bearings required for the linear motion systems. The remaining apprentice is based at HepcoAutomation – part of the Hepco Group responsible for providing advanced automation solutions. Year on year Hepco has augmented its skilled workforce with a fresh intake of apprentices – this year raises the bar with the record intake and the distribution across multiple business disciplines.
With a dedicated training programme managed by the Hepco Group Training Manager Maurice Porter, it is no surprise that this is the third consecutive year that Hepco apprentices have been shortlisted for the well-renowned EEF Apprentice of the Year Award.
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