Discover UtiliTrak

Discover UtiliTrak

UtiliTrak is an ideal choice for running two systems in parallel, where one slide uses DualVee guide wheels and the other uses MadeWell® crowned rollers. Because precise parallelism is difficult to achieve, it is not uncommon for mounting surfaces to be slightly out of parallel. UtiliTrak’s design compensates for mounting errors, and does not require absolute parallelism for accurate operation. The DualVee guide wheel carriage assembly and vee channel serves as the motion side, while the MadeWell crowned roller and open channel side allows for parallel misalignment.

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Tel Sales Enquiries +44 (0)1884 257000 General Enquiries +44 (0)1884 243400

Address HepcoMotion Head Office
Lower Moor Business Park
Tiverton Way
Devon, EX16 6TG

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