Track Management System: GFX & XTS Latest Developments

Track Management System: GFX & XTS Latest Developments

Those familiar with Hepco’s V guide technology will appreciate how our circular and continuous motion guides have provided XTS with the means to complete millions of maintenance free-cycles.  But how about switching movers out of a circuit to transfer to a separate operation station, or even on to a completely separate track?  Find out how Beckhoff and Hepco have developed a high speed, high performance system that is capable of switching in a few hundred milliseconds, whilst maintaining micron accurate repeatability.

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Tel Sales Enquiries +44 (0)1884 257000 General Enquiries +44 (0)1884 243400

Address HepcoMotion Head Office
Lower Moor Business Park
Tiverton Way
Devon, EX16 6TG

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